Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pumpkin Carving Devotional

At our recent meeting Jamie Armstrong shared a wonderful devotion tied to pumpkin carving!  I'm planning on doing this with my kids this weekend and I wanted to post the devotion she shared in case anyone else would like to do it as well!  This is shared from

Being a Christian is just like a pumpkin! Let me try to explain, I brought this pumpkin here to help me illustrate what I mean. (Proceed to carve the pumpkin.)

First, God picks you from the pumpkin patch and brings you in from the field. The Bible says He selects us out of the world. We are in the world, but no longer of the world.

He then washes all the “dirt” off the outside that we received from being around all the other pumpkins. All the outside influences of our former life must be cleaned up. Old things are passed away and all things are become new.

Then, He carefully removes all the “yucky stuff” called “sin” out from the inside. Look at this! Yuk! Sin will not have such internal power. He then changes us from the inside out by the Power of His Word. That’s why it is important to go the church and learn about God’s Word.

He carefully removes all those seeds of doubt, hate, greed, and fear. He replaces them with the seeds of faith, hope and love. After Jesus is invited inside, you begin to experience the changing power of God’s love in your life.

Then He carves a new smiling face. Our countenance is changed by the power of His presence in our life. We then become so grateful. It can even show on our face!

Now we are going to light this candle inside. Look! This pumpkin now reflects the light from inside out. So too, when Jesus, who is called the Son of Light, lives inside of us, He shines through our life for all to see. We can let His light reflect through us to reveal His presence. “Let your light so shine before men that they may be able to see your good works and glorify your Father, who is in heaven.”

So you see, we Christians are really like this pumpkin! We will never be the same with Jesus inside of us. We can say like this jack-o-lantern, “Thy presence, my light!”

Lets now say a short prayer:

Father God, thank You for asking us to be Your children.
We want to be more like Jesus.
We want others to see Your light shining in our lives.
Help us to open our hearts to You.
Take away all our bad attitudes.
Give us Your light and love inside.
In Jesus' Name we pray.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Care Packages for Soldiers

What a blessing it was for our MOPS Moms and our kids to join together to gather items, package and send care packages to soldiers who are currently serving our country!  This is definitely something we will do again in the future!  We also want to thank the many CHS employees who donated items to be included in the packages!

Also, a huge thank you to Gini Adams for helping us with the list of items, sharing your stories about your very own soldiers receiving care packages and for helping us learn how to maximize the space in our care packages!  Seeing your passion for serving our soldiers truly touched our hearts!

Here's some pictures to share a little 
about our evening!

Our kids colored pictures to include in our care packages!


 Mom's getting started preparing the items to go into the boxes!
 We were able to put together 10 very full boxes to bless our soldiers!

 We also included a note from a Mom saying 'Thank you'!
And here's one of our completed boxes!  We hope that these packages will bless the soldiers as much as it blessed us putting them together!

 And of course we had some cleaning up to do when we were done and had a couple little helpers!

 Thanks again to ALL who helped make this project possible and to our soldiers and their families we leave you with this:

"May the Lord bless you
   and keep you;
May the Lord make his face shine on you
   and be gracious to you;
May the Lord turn his face toward you
   and give you peace."

Monday, October 24, 2011

Empty Egg Cartons Needed!

Ladies, don't forget we're gathering empty egg cartons for a creative activity this spring!  Please feel free to bring them to any meeting and we'll be happy to store them until we need them!

Thank you so much!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Homemade Play Dough

Hi ladies!  Several of you have asked for the recipe for the play dough that I brought for the kiddos to play with during our last meeting, so here it is:

Cream of Tarter Playdough Recipe

2 cups of plain flour
2 cups of coloured water
1 Tbsp. of cooking oil
1 tsp. cream of tartar
1 cup of salt

Place all of the ingredients in a medium size or large pan. Cook slowly on medium-high and stir it until the playdough thickens. Keeps best in the fridge in plastic containers. This is simular to the traditional playdough recipe.

This recipe takes less than 10 minutes.

I found it at, they have a LOT of different types of play dough recipes! 
