Saturday, July 23, 2011

Seeking Leaders!

Ladies ~ We're desperately looking for leaders to help with our next MOPS year! We need discussion group leaders, mentor moms and some help with MOPPETS. Please let me know if you or someone you know would be interested in serving!

This group has touched so many families, please join me in touching families again this MOPS Year!

The theme verse this year is from 2 Timothy 1:7 "God doesn't want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible." 

Visit the MOPS website for information on what this organization is all about!

'Big Apple Adventure' VBS at FSBC

First Southern Baptist Church of Yuma is hosting the always popular Vacation Bible School this month – from 6-8:30 pm, July 24-28 at the First Southern Baptist Church on Albany Street in Yuma. The week-long event is for all children ages 3 years through the sixth grade. This year, FSBC wants area youth to join them for five nights at the Big Apple Adventure – where faith and life connect.  The Family Fun night begins at 6 pm on Friday, July 29.  Best of all, Vacation Bible School is free. With questions, or to inquire of transportation, call the church at 970-848-5656.

See this short video for an idea of what's to come!

And kids get ready to sing and dance.  Check out the theme song for VBS!

We hope to see you there!